Wolfgang Steck | "Blowing in the wind" | SUSHIYA sansaro

Wolfgang Steck | "Blowing in the wind

"Wolfgang Steck's unusual perspective on the world was imparted to him at a young age by his godfather in a kind of key experience, when he advised him not to sit on a park bench, but to look underneath it and take photographs from there. All at once the world seemed changed and its fascination within reach. Delving into a motif, getting close to it, changing the scale, shifting one's own frame of reference, all this characterized his early representational works and prepared his way into abstraction. ... By obscuring an object, another clarity, another reality can emerge." (Brigitte Seidel).

The familiar, often inconspicuous - here two wind chimes - is staged by light and color or by unusual perspective up to complete abstraction. It achieves new meaning.

[Light and color play of staged moment, known unknown, unknown known, fullness of time Now].

Wolfgang Steck (*1964) has lived in Hohenschäftlarn near Munich since 1997. He is spokesman for the Schäftlarn artists and organizer of the Schäftlarn Studio Days. More information on http://www.arte-fotografica-ws.com/