Sake Archive | Page 3 of 4 | SUSHIYA sansaro

What is the meaning of sake category Futsūshu

Futsūshu Table of Contents Japanese sake can place the highest craft demands on production and raw ingredients. To understand the quality classes of sake and its flavor orientation, knowledge of the various [...]

All about sake category Honjozo

Honjōzō & Tokubetsu Honjōzō Table of Contents Japanese sake comes in a wide variety of price ranges and quality levels. To distinguish the qualities, it helps to know these categories of sake. Honjōzō means [...]

Sake category Daiginjō

Daiginjō Table of Contents Japanese sake is divided into different categories that provide information about aroma and production criteria. Daiginjō belongs to the high end of sake production with a degree of polish below 50 %. It [...]

The sake classification Junmai Ginjō

Junmai Ginjō Table of Contents Japanese sake can be drunk on a variety of occasions and occasions. The different sake classes or categories provide an indication of what is suitable for what. Junmai Ginjō [...]

The sake classification Junmai Daiginjō

Junmai Daiginjō Table of Contents Japanese sake can be impressive flavor wonders. In order to distinguish between the different classes of sake, it is useful to differentiate by sake category. Junmai Daiginjō (純米大吟醸) is one of the two types of sake [...]

All about Ginjōshu

Ginjō Table of Contents Japanese sake is impressive with a variety of flavors, much more than a good wine. To help you navigate the world of sake, we describe on [...]


Amazake - All About Non-Alcoholic Sake Table of Contents Amazake is a traditional drink popular in Japan, often drunk seasonally. Amazake is of ingredients, history and production with the Japanese sake (Nihonshu) [...]

Sake categories

Welche Kategorien & Klassifikationen gibt es bei japanischem Sake? Inhaltsverzeichnis Derzeit gibt es in Japan etwa 1.400 Sake-Brauereien und es wird gesagt, dass dort mehr als 10.000 verschiedene Sorten Sake […]

Which types of rice are suitable for sake production?

Although you can see Japanese Sake can basically brew from all types of rice, there are, of course, special rice varieties that are best suited for fine sake - and beyond that, some special rice varieties that differ from their edible rice counterparts in structure and characteristics. Here we give an insight into the special rice varieties for the Sake making.