Japanese knives and cutting techniques - Taste through cutting | SUSHIYA sansaro

Japanese knives and cutting techniques - taste through cutting

Japanese knives
Table of contents
In loose succession, we report in our SUSHIYA blog some on the subject of Japanese knives and cutting techniques and thus accompany our advanced sushi course, which will take place for the first time in March 2018.

In loose succession, we report in our SUSHIYA blog on the subject of Japanese knives and cutting techniques and thus accompany our Sushi course for advanced, which will be held for the first time in March 2018. This is the second part, the first was Japanese knives and cutting techniques - an introduction. The series will be continued and supplemented.


In most kitchens, the chef will bring out the flavor of a product primarily through the form of cooking and seasoning.

In Japanese cuisine, however, you can always find that just cutting the ingredient is supposed to "tease out" the flavor.

This is difficult to imagine for the connoisseur and connoisseur of Western cuisine. But everyone can easily try it for themselves: Take a piece of fish of the best quality (e.g. salmon or tuna, but any other fish will do). Cut three slices: once horizontally parallel to the cutting surface, once with the grain, once across the grain. Place a small shallow bowl of Soy sauce ready. Now pull each of the prepared slices briefly through the sauce and you can already see visually that the sauce once only covers the surface wafer-thin, penetrates into the lamellae or the largest part immediately rolls off again. The surface of the fish varies depending on the cut, and so does the sensation on the tongue - which is precisely where the receptors for taste are located.

Apart from the fact that in Japanese cuisine everything is always cut into bite-sized pieces to make it easier to handle with chopsticks, ingredients whose flavor is very delicate often have their surface area increased by making appropriate fine cuts. An example of this is squid (ika 鰞). The consistency of ika without such chasing is almost rubbery in the mouth.
If strips are chiseled, this already changes - and more of the surface is wetted with soy sauce. With the more elaborate cross-cut, of course, this effect is amplified and the mouthfeel changes once again both in terms of consistency and taste, because more surface also means more soy sauce sticks there.

For fish comparable to German pike, which have an incredible number of fine bones that cannot all be removed, the surface is chiseled with fine parallel cuts so that the bones no longer interfere with eating. For example, there is a knife especially for preparing the eel variety "Hamo" (鱧), the Hamokiri Bōchō.

Got a taste for it? Then look in again soon. In the next part you can see how to work with traditional Japanese knives.

Sharing pleasure in Japanese

SUSHIYA is passionate about Japanese cuisine and culture. In our restaurant sansaro you can encounter the fascinating Japanese cuisine or have it delivered to your home. On our homepage, Facebook and Instragram we always give insights into news and interesting topics.

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Finally, in August 2020, there is the long-awaited new menu in the Japanese restaurant sansaro. And of course we set new

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ミュンヘンの賑やかな学生街にある寿司和食レストランSUSHIYA sansaroでは調理スタッフ(正社員)を募集しています。 料理長 寿司・和食経験が10年以上(うち継続して日本で5年以上) 毎日の営業で仕込み・調理業務全般以外にも、スタッフの育成、イベント時の特別料理やコース料理の創作、在庫管理など 寿司・調理スタッフ 寿司・和食調理経験(日本で3年以上の修行経験のあるかた) 当店ではお料理、特に寿司にこだわり、ドイツのお客様にクオリティーの高い本格的な日本食を提供するよう調理スタッフが こだわりを徹底して日々向上心を持って取り組んでいます。 ミュンヘンでもっと寿司・和食のスキルを伸ばしたいやる気のある方大歓迎。 ドイツ在住の方、ワーホリなどビザ所有ですぐに働ける方はもちろん日本からの応募もお待ちしています。 語学力は不問です。 ・ビザサポートあり ・住居サポート可 ・週休2日制 ・各種社会保障完備 ・有給休暇あり (年間20日〜)毎年日数が増えていきます。 ・チップ支給 ・美味しい賄い付き

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