Easter 2021 - in search of the (organic) eggs | SUSHIYA sansaro

Easter 2021 - in search of the (organic) eggs

Table of contents

This time our chef has designed a box that contains some modern dishes of everyday, quite rustic Japanese cuisine that can fill the whole family.

The colorful shades express the joy of the approaching spring - and of course the invitation is: find the (Easter) eggs! 😉

ATTENTION: As always, the Easter Bentō 2021 and the Little Sushi Nest are only available in limited quantities. Our Valentine's Day boxes sold out in about 24 hours, so please order promptly, thank you!

Öffnungszeiten Ostern 2021: mittags & abends

On Easter holidays this year, we are open as follows and available for delivery & pickup:

  • Good Friday 12.00-14.00 and 17.00-20.30
  • Easter Saturday 17.00-20.30
  • Easter Sunday 12.00-14.00 and 17.00-20.30
  • Easter Monday 12.00-14.00 and 17.00-20.30

Order sushi à la carte from our extensive selection or from Saturday up to and including Easter Monday our specials for delivery or pick-up in the center of the Amalienpassage.

Be sure not to forget our Desserts, which we are currently creating new for you again and again.

Further down you can read all the details about our Easter Bentō and the little sushi nest, which will be available from Saturday.

And of course we have a few recommendations for Sake for you, a small sake tasting flight and two special sake bottles at special prices.

Content EASTER-BENTŌ 2021

Sanshoku Dango (三色団子) 

A skewer of three colorful tofu rice flour cakes. But beware: although you can buy these colorful skewers, whose material seems to look like plasticine or chewing gum, everywhere in Japan at folk festivals or the snack stands at famous temples, etc., they are not sweets....

Dango are very popular in Japan and are also often included in Bentō, as a Bentō is supposed to be diverse and the dango complement that well. The pink represents cherry blossom buds, the white represents cherry blossoms in full bloom, and green represents tree leaves.

Takenoko Ao-yose (筍青寄せ)

Bamboo shoots marinated in green tama miso.

First, the bamboo shoots are soaked for a day in a Japanese soup broth called "Happō-Dashi" to soak up the flavor.
The word "Happō" means that this dashi can be used for a variety of things (Happō/八方=acht directions = all directions, all possibilities), from cooked dishes to oshitashi and nabe dishes.
The bamboo shoots are dressed with a paste of miso and chopped spinach called ao-yose (青寄せ collecting blue colors). (The color blue is sometimes used synonymously with green in Japan, but that's another story...)

On Instagram you can see a few of the steps in the short video:

By the way: how to make ao-yose with miso

  1. Roughly chop fresh spinach and place in a blender with water to make juice.
  2. Heat the juice in a pot of boiling water.
  3. The chlorophyll, the natural green pigment in spinach rises to the top. Just skim it off with a ladle and put it skimmed mass in a cloth.
  4. Squeeze out the liquid from the cloth and mix with Tama-Miso (egg yolk, sugar, sake, Saikyo Miso, soy sauce).

Because this traditional method requires a lot of skill and time, it is very rarely used in Japanese restaurants outside of Japan.

Ebi Shūmai - Shrimp Dumplings

Ebi Shūmai (海老焼売) were first prepared in Japan about 120 years ago in Yokohama/横浜 by a Chinese cook.
Meanwhile, Shūmai have become fully established in Japan as a popular component of Bentō boxes.
These handmade Shūmai from sansaro restaurant are a little delicacy with a balanced mix of shrimp and pork.

Boiled and marinated bonito

Katsuo Tsukudani (鰹佃煮) is bonito cooked down with soy sauce, sugar and ginger.
From the various ways of preparing bonito known to Japanese cuisine (such as sushi, sashimi, braised, grilled or smoked), our chef has chosen the one that fits best in a Bentō, namely "Tuskudani".

Agemono Sanshu - deep fried trifle

Panko (パン粉) is breadcrumbs - known and popular in Japan for traditional Bentō dishes such as the legendary Tonkatsu (pork cutlet in Japanese, you must try it!).

Here's a trifecta of various finely fried ingredients: Zucchini Hana Tsukune Tsutsumi: organic minced chicken stuffed in zucchini flower; Hanpen Mentai Hasami: mantaiko in hanpen (fish pie); Asupara Butabara Maki: green asparagus rolled in pork belly.

Azayaka Onigiri - 4 kinds of onigiri

In the third compartment of our Easter Bentō 2021, you'll find four (handmade, of course) special onigiri (鮮やかおにぎり四種).

Onigiri are traditional Japanese rice balls that are very versatile and flexible to prepare with a wide variety of ingredients. They can include Japanese, Western or even Chinese ingredients as long as they go well with lightly salted rice.

Onigiri are a quintessential Japanese soul food that are constantly evolving and fit extremely well in a Bentō.


An onigiri in with walnut marinated in miso and nori flakes

Avocado yakishake

Avocado and grilled salmon in an onigiri with white sesame seeds

Tori Takikomi Gohan

Cooked rice with chicken and vegetables, onigiri with egg yolk Soboro (yellow).

Red Dry Tomato Onigiri

Dried tomato with Emmental cheese and parsley


Of course, a piece of the fried, artfully folded Japanese omelet, with us as always from organic eggs, may not be missing.

Nikomi hamburger steaki in tomato sauce

Nikomi hamburger (煮込みハンバーグ) The hamburger was made with beef, onions and Japanese breadcrumbs. Then slowly simmered in a sauce of onions, carrots and a little garlic - fried in butter to bring out their sweetness - and a little tomato puree.
Our Chef Riichiro Matsui drew inspiration from his time in Italy - bringing a little southern spice to our Easter Bentō as a harbinger of sunnier times to come soon & surely!

There's also a certain amount of work that goes into Hamburger Steaki - in addition to organic ground beef, organic tomatoes and other fine & secret ingredients - to make it taste good and be enjoyable. Here is a short excerpt in the video on Instagram:

Our Tip: the box can make quite full.

Order a serving of rice with it to keep neutralizing between the different flavors.

And share the box in pairs and complement with your choice of sushi à la carte, a fine sashimi or delicious nigiri!

Where are the promised Easter eggs?

Granted - we didn't pack you any chocolate Easter eggs.

But apart from that, we didn't let ourselves down and, in addition to all the fine and full flavors, we also hid you an organic egg and, above all, some organic quail eggs in the two menus - can you find them all?

As always, this Bentō is available either in a beautiful, high-quality disposable box or in our Deposit Shōkadō Box. In the deposit box, please do not use Western cutlery, which may scratch the surface. Japanese simply prefer to eat with chopsticks 😉

Our sake recommendations for Easter Bentō 2021

Japanese sake enjoys more and more popularity in recent years. Since 2009 we are interested in the subject of premium sake and just in the last two years our customers share this enthusiasm more and more. 

You can find out what makes premium sake tick on our sake page, where much more will be happening in the coming weeks....

Three choice ideas we have for you if you want to try a good sake with this Easter Bentō:

Three different small bottles to try: Sake Tasting Flight - sold out!

If you don't know sake well yet, you should first and foremost experience the variety to get the right idea. For this Easter Bentō we have put together a cross-section of three different flavors in small 0.18l bottles for you. 

This is the best way to get to know the variety of flavors of sake.

Exclusive touch of sweetness: Hōyō "Kura no Hana"

One sake that really excited us and our guests in the short summer of 2020 is the Hōyō "Kura no Hana". Typically Japanese, it is not too intrusive in aroma, but as a Junmai Daiginjō with a polish of 45 % beautifully fruity-light. 

At the end it hints at a certain sweetness, goes very well with shellfish, is suitable as an aperitif and food companion alike

Akitabare "Suirakuten" - top sake to try rice

In limited edition for Easter we have a wonderful sake from the Tohoku region for you to a special tasting menu: the Akitabare "Suirakuten" is a small rarity among the Daiginjō sake

He is also fruity & gentle and but two years post-matured in the bottle. Normally it costs 119 euros in our restaurant (favorably calculated), now in limited quantities for 79 euros.

Small sushi easter nest

In addition to our Bentō box from the warm kitchen, we also offer - in addition to Sushi à la Carte - a small, colorful Sushi Easter Nest.

On fried potato strips as a nest lies a small chick from a soft boiled organic quail egg, next to it a larger rooster (with small rooster comb from carrot 😉

What you can find in this nest:

  • finely seasoned Easter chick and quail egg in potato nest
  • Chumaki with marinated organic pork belly, wild garlic, egg sting and marinated carrots
  • Tako Temari Sushi: Octopus with salty cooked rhubarb as temari in iceberg lettuce.
  • Aji (wood mackerel) Namerō Temari Sushi: finely chopped, seasoned wood mackerel with umeboshi, shiso and white/green asparagus on sushi rice in Radicchio Rosa di Verona.
The small easter nest costs 23.90 euros and is good as a fun change of pace when you order other dishes.

Order now and feast on Easter

It's best to order your Easter Bentō and Easter Nest now, as experience shows that these specials sell out very quickly!

Of course, you can also order sushi & sashimi à la carte, but again, we recommend ordering a few days in advance so you can secure your desired timeslot.

Sharing pleasure in Japanese

SUSHIYA is passionate about Japanese cuisine and culture. In our restaurant sansaro you can encounter the fascinating Japanese cuisine or have it delivered to your home. On our homepage, Facebook and Instragram we always give insights into news and interesting topics.