TOKAMI Chef Ken Sugawara back at SUSHIYA from 2018 | SUSHIYA sansaro

TOKAMI chef Ken Sugawara back at SUSHIYA in 2018

Sushiya Sushi Restaurant Munich Chef Ken Sugawara
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For over ten years, our restaurant sansaro has been known for the highest sushi quality in Munich. We rarely report on the staff stories behind it, even though we are proud of every single employee. But in the fall of 2018, we have a change to report that we are particularly excited about.


Happy, proud and grateful we are that Kenichi Sugawara is back with us on the team!

Ken was already there in 2006 when the first SUSHIYA BENTO STORE was opened, he was there when the restaurant sansaro was built and opened.

Even then, he had impressed us with sound reasoning, conscientious diligence and, above all, great ideas for delicious hot dishes. And in the Japanese community of Munich he was known for a reliably Japanese quality and - typically very important for Japanese! - Modesty and good character. In 2009, when our restaurant was still in the infancy of a difficult start-up phase, he then decided with a heavy heart to return to his "old home", the Restaurant TOKAMI in Theresienstrasse to go back.


The last ten years Ken was then responsible for the high quality of Tokami in Theresienstrasse as head chef. Now he has decided to leave TOKAMI for good and is already working as the new head chef at SUSHIYA since September 2018.

Ken will be working with our hardworking team of skilled, Japanese chefs (and mostly female chefs) on even more quality behind the scenes and developing new offerings with us, initially for the sansaro restaurant, but later for new projects as well.

Our "Senior Master" Masami Saito has so a little more freedom to focus more on special events, our great tastings and sushi classes. This makes our team stronger than ever. We are especially happy about this great addition, which will help us to come up with new ideas for all lovers of good sushi and fine Japanese cuisine in Munich offer. Currently, Ken is already working with our team on a special New Year's Eve menu for 12/31/2018.

More about it then as always here in the blog and especially in the Newsletter for our regular customers. We are looking forward to your visit in sansaro, reserve as always best online on our homepage

PS Update at the end of 2019: Ken has decided, after just over a year with us, to move on in September 2019 - ten years of Tokami, with many 6-day and many a 7-day week have taken their toll. We'll report back on what we've experienced and learned in the matter around Tokami when we get a chance. We wish Ken all the best for the future and look forward to seeing him in the Japanese restaurants around Munich or maybe once again in our team. We remain focused on maximum quality and special creativity and are rebuilding our team to once again the popular sushi courses and to be able to offer tasting events.

Sharing pleasure in Japanese

SUSHIYA is passionate about Japanese cuisine and culture. In our restaurant sansaro you can encounter the fascinating Japanese cuisine or have it delivered to your home. On our homepage, Facebook and Instragram we always give insights into news and interesting topics.

we are hiring experienced sushi chefs for germany - Reinforcement for the kitchen team at sansaro wanted

ミュンヘンの賑やかな学生街にある寿司和食レストランSUSHIYA sansaroでは調理スタッフ(正社員)を募集しています。 料理長 寿司・和食経験が10年以上(うち継続して日本で5年以上) 毎日の営業で仕込み・調理業務全般以外にも、スタッフの育成、イベント時の特別料理やコース料理の創作、在庫管理など 寿司・調理スタッフ 寿司・和食調理経験(日本で3年以上の修行経験のあるかた) 当店ではお料理、特に寿司にこだわり、ドイツのお客様にクオリティーの高い本格的な日本食を提供するよう調理スタッフが こだわりを徹底して日々向上心を持って取り組んでいます。 ミュンヘンでもっと寿司・和食のスキルを伸ばしたいやる気のある方大歓迎。 ドイツ在住の方、ワーホリなどビザ所有ですぐに働ける方はもちろん日本からの応募もお待ちしています。 語学力は不問です。 ・ビザサポートあり ・住居サポート可 ・週休2日制 ・各種社会保障完備 ・有給休暇あり (年間20日〜)毎年日数が増えていきます。 ・チップ支給 ・美味しい賄い付き

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